SUNDAY JUNE 30, 2024
Played as a recordingRecurring service music
This is instead of Two Preludes. I will be playing prelude music from 10:20, and at 10:25 I will toll the bell, then continue with prelude music until 10:30 Hymn selections including the titles: Here I am Lord (D. Schutte), Precious Lord, Take My Hand (G. Allen), How Great Thou Art (Swedish folk melody), Blessed Assurance (P. Knapp), In the Garden (C.A. Miles), Be Thou My Vision (Irish ballad) HYMNS GG 238 Thine Is the Glory (George Frederick Handel) GG 840 When Peace like a River (Philip P. Bliss) GG 375 Shall We Gather at the River (Robert Lowry) SPECIAL MUSIC The Lords' Prayer (Albert H. Malotte) Zandra Brown, soloist (this selection is in place of the recited "The Lords' Prayer") CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE AAHH 531 Thank You, Lord (African-American spiritual) Thank you, Lord, Thank you, Lord, Thank you, Lord, I just want to thank you, Lord. POSTLUDE GG 326 For All the Saints (Ralph Vaughan Williams) Music operator. Remember to:
Hymns and lyrics reprinted in this website are the property of the respective copyright holder(s).
Hymns and lyrics are reprinted with permission under CCLI license #A-2918022. All rights reserved.
Permission to stream the music for this service obtained from CCLI with license #A-20900318. All rights reserved.
Hymns and lyrics are reprinted with permission under CCLI license #A-2918022. All rights reserved.
Permission to stream the music for this service obtained from CCLI with license #A-20900318. All rights reserved.